
MY STORY- Trailer

Behind every beautiful success, there will be an unseen efforts. Behind these efforts, there will be a huge support" By all the support and encouragement from E-cell, On one fine day, A beautiful star began to shine in a different and better way..,a way through which it began helping other stones(Co-stars/upcoming stars) to bright as well! The journey started with interaction. Interaction with seniors, friends, alumni, Mentors and many more.....this made her to come out of comfort zone and helped her to build up strengths, confidence. The positivity they provided made her to think out box and acheive new things where she even diesnt think in the past.  That star became a co-author of book "Voice is Alumni- women Edition" at the age of 19 and met alot of amazing personalities during each session. She began to express her self. With the help of Ecell mentor she was introduced to many unique things. She started exploring with her thoughts. Habituated with one of the primar